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BASIC Source File
276 lines
' ********************************************************
' MDI Standard Application Shell
' ********************************************************
' -------
' This file is part of an MDI application "skeleton"
' created by John Blessing of Leigh Business Enterprises Ltd.
' --------
' Selection of application database.
' Compact/Repair of database.
' 'Helptips' on toolbar items.
' Support for Help files.
' MDI child forms tiling etc.
' Error trapping.
' 'Nag' screen support for shareware authors.
' Support for 3D dialogs (switched off in design mode
' to prevent GPFs)
' ---
' You need VB Pro to use this shell, although it could be
' modified to run under the standard edition.
' You will need to set up some information in APP.BAS,
' particularly in SetAppInfo(). You will also need to add
' your own application specific code to this module.
' ------------
' This program is "FreeWare" and may be used and distributed
' as you wish.
' It incorporates some ideas/code from other authors and these
' are acknowledged in the appropriate module.
' We hope that you will find it useful. If you wish to discuss it
' then please e-mail us on Compuserve 100444,623.
' --------------
' Are you looking for a helpdesk system? Or does your company
' want to track and monitor the progress of any work activity?
' We market a system which could be of interest to you.
' PROGRESS is available for download from the Business section
' of the Windows Shareware forum on Compuserve
' (filename PRGRSS10.ZIP). It's a large program, so in the
' same section you will also find the help files and
' documentation as PRGSSDOC.ZIP which is quicker to download
' and will give you a good idea of the functionality of PROGRESS.
' Dec 1994
Option Explicit
' Database.bas
' CompactDbase
' cmdialog The common dialog to be used for selection of the file
' None
' 26/12/94 JBL Build
' Compacts an Access database
Sub CompactDbase (cmdialog As CommonDialog)
Dim sDbase, sBakDb As String
Dim db As Database
On Error Resume Next
sDbase = sSelectDbase(cmdialog, "Compact")
If sDbase <> "" Then
screen.MousePointer = HOURGLASS
'try and open it in exclusive mode
Set db = OpenDatabase(sDbase, True)
If Err = 0 Then
'opened ok so close it
'construct the correct .bak filename
sBakDb = Left$(sDbase, InStr(sDbase, ".")) & "BAK"
'give a chance to exit
If MsgBox("Your existing " & sDbase & sGNl & "will be copied to " & sBakDb, MB_OKCANCEL + MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, "Compact database") = IDCANCEL Then
screen.MousePointer = DEFAULT
Exit Sub
End If
'kill any existing .bak
Kill sBakDb
If Err <> 0 Then Err = 0'err because no existing .bak
'copy original to sBakdb
FileCopy sDbase, sBakDb
If Err <> 0 Then
'call the generic error handler
GenErrorHandler "Database.bas - CompactDbase()", Err, Error$ & sGNl & "Please try later when no one else is using the system."
screen.MousePointer = DEFAULT
Exit Sub
End If
'kill the existing database because can't compact into an existing one
Kill sDbase
If Err = 0 Then
'deleted ok so compact it
CompactDatabase sBakDb, sDbase
If Err <> 0 Then
'call the generic error handler
GenErrorHandler "Database.bas - CompactDbase()", Err, Error$
'copy bakdb to original
FileCopy sBakDb, sDbase
If Err <> 0 Then
'call the generic error handler
GenErrorHandler "Database.bas - CompactDbase()", Err, Error$
screen.MousePointer = DEFAULT
Exit Sub
End If
End If
End If
MsgBox "Compact completed."
'call the generic error handler
GenErrorHandler "Database.BAS - CompactDbase()", Err, Error$ & sGNl & "Please try later when no one else is using the system."
End If
End If
screen.MousePointer = DEFAULT
End Sub
' Database.bas
' RepairDbase
' cmdialog The common dialog to be used for selection of the file
' None
' 26/12/94 JBL Build
' Repairs an Access database
Sub RepairDbase (cmdialog As CommonDialog)
Dim sDbase As String
Dim db As Database
On Error Resume Next
sDbase = sSelectDbase(cmdialog, "Repair")
If sDbase <> "" Then
screen.MousePointer = HOURGLASS
'try and open it in exclusive mode
Set db = OpenDatabase(sDbase, True)
If Err = 0 Then
'opened ok so close it
'repair it
RepairDatabase sDbase
If Err = 0 Then
MsgBox "Repair completed successfully."
'call the generic error handler
GenErrorHandler "Database.bas - RepairDbase()", Err, Error$ & sGNl & "Please try later when no one else is using the system."
End If
'call the generic error handler
GenErrorHandler "Database.BAS - RepairDbase()", Err, Error$ & sGNl & "Please try later when no one else is using the system."
End If
End If
screen.MousePointer = DEFAULT
End Sub
' Database.bas
' sSelectDbase
' cmdialog the control used to select the filename
' sMode either NEW, OPEN, REPAIR or COMPACT
' The name of the selected file or empty string
' 26/12/94 JBL Build
' Creates a new Access database then opens it
Function sSelectDbase (cmdialog As CommonDialog, sMode As String) As String
Dim db As Database
On Error Resume Next
sMode = UCase$(sMode)
'set up the common dialog control
cmdialog.DefaultExt = "mdb"
cmdialog.Filename = ""
cmdialog.CancelError = True
cmdialog.Filter = "Database (*.mdb)|*.mdb|All files (*.*)|*.*|"
cmdialog.Flags = &H4& Or &H1000& 'remove readonly checkbox
Select Case sMode
Case "NEW"
cmdialog.DialogTitle = "New Database"
cmdialog.Action = 2
Case "OPEN"
cmdialog.DialogTitle = "Open Database"
cmdialog.Action = 1
cmdialog.DialogTitle = "Repair Database"
cmdialog.Action = 1
cmdialog.DialogTitle = "Compact Database"
cmdialog.Action = 1
End Select
If Err <> 32755 Then 'i.e not cancel
sSelectDbase = cmdialog.Filename
If sMode <> "NEW" Then
'don't try and open if one doesn't exist
Set db = OpenDatabase(cmdialog.Filename, True)
If Err = 0 Then
'opened OK so return the filename
sSelectDbase = cmdia